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Testimonial Tuesday

The Work of Byron Katie is an extraordinarily effective tool for personal growth and inner awakening. Taking up The Work in earnest has revealed the many challenges of my life to be playing but perfect parts in the unfolding of an amazing transformational journey. As the owner of a leadership coaching & consulting business, the Turnaround House helped me see that at the core of all transformational change is self-leadership – the ability to look in the mirror and be the change I want to see in others. By peeling the onion during daily intensive Worksessions, I learned that true influence, true power comes not from influence over others, but from authenticity, integrity – my ability, above all, to be true to myself. From this has come a freedom, a joy, and a trust in life that has only continued to grow since my time in residence. Now, anything that disrupts me holds the key to my growth. Freedom is a choice and The Work is the unlocking move. I will be forever grateful to Katie and the staff at Turnaround House for the profound impact they have had in both my personal and professional life. – NC
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Loving What Is by Byron Katie
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